Opinions and reviews

581. ImpreSkin – skin rejuvenation formula 2020-11-20 05:47:25

I definitely prefer aesthetic medicine treatments over dietary supplements. It's a fact that surgical operations or injecting fillers are not very natural, but there is mesotherapy, radio waves and such methods that give much better results and much faster. Even the best capsules would have to be taken for years to obtain the effect of a short HIFU or RF treatment. In my opinion, such supplements do not make sense. »

582. ProBreast Plus – capsules and cream for breast enlargement 2020-11-19 16:29:48

It works very well on the skin ... It is better moisturized and firmer. It's probably thanks to the cream. But the size of the bust did not increase in my opinion. Maybe the breasts are a little less saggy? The effect is so subtle that I could be wrong. »

583. Locerin – herbs and vitamins for healthy hair 2020-11-19 04:18:56

I wonder if the dose could be increased so that the effects could be seen a little faster? For example, four capsules a day instead of two? Or can I add some other methods? Hair conditioner. Rinsing the hair with nettle infusion? »

584. Miralash – reputable eyelash serum 2020-11-18 21:09:41

I have very sensitive skin and I react badly to most cosmetics. Itching, swelling, dry skin and these types of symptoms. Everything is fine with miralash for now - the second month is over. And most importantly, the eyelashes are really beautiful. »

585. Collagen Select – source of rejuvenating collagen 2020-11-18 10:01:07

I have been drinking collagen for several weeks but I don't see any positive effects. Wrinkles are the same… Perhaps the skin is a little more supple and hydrated. »

586. Varicorin – herbs for leg swelling and varicose veins 2020-11-16 02:06:19

In my opinion, varicose veins are too serious a matter to be treated with dietary supplements. But prevention is always worthwhile, and here varicorin is really very good. Probably it will do the job with minor ailments or minor blood circulation problems in the legs, but with bigger problems chirurgical treatment is the best.. »

587. Green Barley Plus – enriched green barley extract 2020-11-15 00:02:43

Some people say that dietary supplements are not needed… And I think they should be treated as one of the components of a healthy and balanced diet. Store food is devoid of so many valuable ingredients that only supplementation can fix it. I take advantage of green barley and advise everyone doing the same ❤️ »

588. Cellinea – herbs that reduce cellulite 2020-11-13 07:46:41

I can't see any progress. It's been almost three weeks and nothing. My cellulite is not very advanced, yet there is no effect. »

589. Cappuccino MCT – an easy way to lose weight 2020-11-12 03:38:43

My weight has not dropped a bit (four weeks). But the bowel functioning has improved significantly because there were problems with bowel movements before, and now… once or twice a day. I am hopeful that I can also handle my excess weight. »

590. Keto Actives – ketosis activator 2020-11-10 15:30:11

I only have 4 kilos less after two months ... I thought I could do it without going to the gym, but I think I need to start training regularly. I cannot mobilize myself ... »