The subject of hair loss is usually associated with men. However, even if a greater number of men are affected by hair loss, in the case of women the matter is much more complicated, because hair for a woman is incomparably more important. The causes of hair loss among women are also more complex than in men.
Women, like men, can lose their hair for genetic reasons. This is androgenetic alopecia, which affects both men and women. The problem usually affects women around the age of 50, and about half of all women suffer from it. Technically, the problem is the loss of function of the hair follicles, which stop producing hair.
The second most common cause of hair loss in women is the hormonal changes that occur in the female body during menopause. During this period, the level of estrogen in the body drops and hormonal imbalance occurs. This type of hair loss is referred to as female pattern hair loss. Its visible symptom is irregular thinning of the hair on the head. The hormonal causes of hair loss in women also include the period immediately after childbirth, when the hormonal system of women is subject to strong fluctuations. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also accompanied by turbulent hormonal changes that affect the quality of hair.
Another issue is the prevalence of iron deficiency, which is associated with the menstrual cycle. This is a real threat for those women whose diet does not provide enough of this needed mineral. Hair damage can also be the result of too intensive use of chemical hair styling products. These types of products usually weaken the hair structure, increase hair fragility and promote hair loss.
Hair loss can also be the result of too much stress. We are talking here about both chronic stress, which systematically destroys hair bulbs, and strong one-time stress, which can cause loss of all hair in literally one day. Elevated stress hormones can cause a complete stoppage of the hair production process, which leads to complete baldness.